About me


110 h children's yoga teacher

Yoga time Hamburg

FLYoga Kids Teacher

SiRA Israel

Prenatal Aerial Trainer

Happy Solingen


Hi, my name is Kathrin and I am a mother of two sons. My oldest introduced me to children's yoga a few years ago. He is autistic and yoga has helped us a lot in his development. Unfortunately we didn't find any yoga classes in Düsseldorf that were cool and challenging enough, so in 2022 I decided to develop my own classes. The children's yoga courses I have developed are modern, fun and cool. They offer the children a new challenge every time.

Boys and girls in particular, who do not have it easy at school or in their social environment due to high sensitivity, ADHD or autism, find their place in my courses.

For many years I worked in digital marketing and now, based on my personal experience, I would like to support and accompany children in their development. Let's get to know each other, just drop by!

With Love & Namaste


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